You don’t always need an attorney when filing individual bankruptcy on your own, you can represent yourself. If your Bankruptcy process is simple and straight to the point and the case is simple enough, you can file for bankruptcy without help. This article explains the process.

Bankruptcy could be the lifeline you need!

For anyone going through, financial stress can be overwhelming and can take a mental strain on your mind, your living situation, your personal life and even your professional life like your job or business. If you are losing your job, your home, and believe that you might be in this situation a few months from now. That can cause you to be homeless. You should start thinking about a way to recover yourself before it’s too late. Think about filing bankruptcy before you go into foreclosure, before you lose your job or your house (apartment). This is the moment that you don’t become overwhelmed with your debt but start looking for a solution to your problem. At this point is where you start to think about your options for Bankruptcy. And it’s a time when you can use the resources available to eliminate your debt. Bankruptcy is a good way to go when you are completely overwhelmed with debt. And going through the process of Bankruptcy can help you. The process of Bankruptcy can help you begin the process to discharge your debt.

What is a discharge in Bankruptcy?

A discharge occurs when you file bankruptcy through the bankruptcy court to discharge and/or releases the debtor from the personal liability you have relating to certain specified types of debts can be discharged. What this means is, the debtor is no longer legally required to pay any debts that are discharged. The discharge is a permanent order prohibiting the creditors of the debtor from taking any form of collection action on discharged debts, including legal action and communications with the debtor, such as telephone calls, letters, and personal contacts.

What causes a person to be in a situation to file Bankruptcy?

People could lose their job or maybe going through a divorce and not have the money to recover from the financial damages. This is the main reason why people file Bankruptcy.

What to do before I get to a place where I cannot recover from Financial downfall?

Don’t wait until you are in foreclosure, and you’ve lost your job to file for Bankruptcy! The worst thing you can do is wait. Many people have been in this very same situation you are in. The one thing, I want to point out is you are recognizing your financial situation now before things get out of hand. A lot of time people get so overwhelm with the problem they can’t see the solution. Never wait until things get too late where you cannot earn enough money for gas. This very thing has happened to me. Don’t wait to file Bankruptcy when you don’t have the money. Knowledge is power, and gaining the knowledge is imperative to beginning the Bankruptcy process.

If you don’t have the money to start the Bankruptcy process nor do you have the money to hire an attorney, you don’t have to wait. You can file for the Bankruptcy yourself! I am not an attorney nor am I giving you legal advice, but I can say I have human experience. You can file the Bankruptcy yourself before it’s too late. You don’t want to wait until you become homeless and can’t find a job nor earn the money to file for the Bankruptcy. The worst is to think you need someone to help you file. You don’t need anyone to help you file you can self file!

Can I file Bankruptcy without an Attorney?

Yes, you can file Bankruptcy without an Attorney, as long as you have the proper supporting documents and forms you need to submit to the Bankruptcy court to begin the process of filing.
What is Bankruptcy?

There are several types of Bankruptcy filing, but the main ones we are going to address here are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.

What is the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

The main difference between the two is how the debt is handled. For example, Chapter 7 liquidate all your asset (your car, your home, your debt excluding debt from school and taxes and municipal debt). Meanwhile, Chapter 13 is design for people who have a source of income, like their jobs. This allows them to make payment arrangements with the court, which allows them to adjust your debt with a payment plan to the creditor through the court trustees. This means with Chapter 13 you will remain in possession of your properties. In Chapter 7 you completely liquidate all your asset.

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